Aerial7 Tank x Loliland DJ Headphones [ Limited Edition ]
"AERIAL7 headphones have a great sound, are durable, and funky designs, it was the best fit for me to add my influences of a rock-n-roll feel with a New York chic twist," said Loli Lux.
The LoliLand headphone is inspired by her fashion taste of dark colors and sexy lace. It is as unique as the AERIAL7 ambassador herself who designed the headphone with silver metallic studs across the headband that read "LoliLand" and a black lace print pattern over the earcups.
Truly a DJs dream, the LoliLand headphone has club class sound and a bold look for those in the know.
With Aerial7 Tank headphones you can roll out the beats with confidence.
Designed for sonic domination, Aerial7 Tank headphones allows you to explore the full spectrum of sound from low, rumbling bass grooves and consistent mids to crisp highs.
Ultra-thick cushions cocoon your ears, while the wide adjustable headband guarantees a secure fit and comfortable extended listening.
Aerial7 Tank headphones are engineered to delivery the highest quality listening experience from your iPod, MP3 player, mobile phone, laptop or computer.
Rubberized, sort touch finish for a premium look and feel.
Aerial7 Tank headphones have swivel ear cups with spring return for single-sided monitoring.
Includes two cables:
10 thick coiled cable for standard music players
thin straight cable with microphone for iPhone and other mobile phones.
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